My goal with each Pet Portrait is to create a work of art with award-winning quality; Bringing out the soul and heart of your pet.
Currently priced by size, the following list is for single-subject pet portraits with simple backgrounds.
Each additional pet in the same portrait will add 50% up charge. Prices do not include shipping.
5x7 or 6x6 $225
6x8 $275
8×8 $300
8×10 $350
10×10 $400
9×12 $425
12×12 $500
12×16 $700
16×16 $900
16×20 $1,200
18x24 $1,500
22x30 $2,000
The quality, lighting and composition of the reference photos has a direct relation to the quality of the finished portrait. All pets must be in the same photo, or all photo references must have the same lighting and viewpoint.
I prefer photos with high contrast and detail, nice darks and lights. I must be able to see the eyes. You know the animal from their eyes. Several photos are best to ensure color, character, and personality.